NEW Cooperative Supports Barnum Fire Department


Gary Moritz, NEW Cooperative Communications Director (right), presents Nick Ruhland, Barnum Fire Chief, with a contribution to assist in the purchase of a new truck.

The Barnum Fire Department was the recent beneficiary of a contribution from the NEW Cooperative Foundation and the Land O’Lakes Foundation totaling $5,000. The fire department is raising funds to purchase a new truck.

Barnum Fire Chief Nick Ruhland said “We are grateful for NEW Cooperative’s support of our fundraiser to purchase a new pumper truck. Our current truck is 30 years old. When we upgrade, we’ll have faster response times not only in our district but in neighboring fire districts when we provide mutual aid.”

“NEW Cooperative makes it a priority to support our local fire and rescue departments,” said Gary Moritz, NEW Cooperative Communications Director. “Raising funds for local community departments can be challenging. NEW was happy to assist with a $2,500 contribution that was matched by the Land O’ Lakes Foundation, providing $5,000 in total funds to the Barnum Fire Department.”

Efforts to raise the remining funds to purchase the new truck continue for the Barnum Fire Department, which holds two fundraisers each year.

About NEW Cooperative, Inc. and the NEW Cooperative Foundation 

NEW Cooperative, Inc. is a farmer-owned grain, agronomy, energy and feed cooperative headquartered in Fort Dodge, Iowa. As a leading agriculture retailer, NEW Cooperative is focused on being an innovative and efficient provider of today’s agriculture markets and services to 8,000 members throughout their 60 locations in Iowa.

The NEW Cooperative Foundation is the charitable giving entity of NEW Cooperative, Inc. The Foundation is committed to investing in organizations that are dedicated to youth and education, human services, and civic purposes that further enhance the quality of life in our member’s local communities.

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